Purpose Above All

Purpose Above All

Many of us have a feeling that we weren't born to only do small, menial, day to day tasks. We feel that we were meant for more, whatever that is. We feel that we must have a reason for being here, a purpose. 

Just like our values help guide our actions, so too can a well understood purpose. Values are like guide rails on our journey and our purpose is like a compass. We can drive along the roads in many directions. Our values keep us out of the ditches, but where are we going? What is our ideal destination? Are we heading towards it or are we going farther away?

This is an important question to answer before doing any goal setting of any kind. You need to have an understanding of where you are trying to get and who you are trying to become before you set goals. The short and medium term goals are like mile markers and landmarks along a road. But which road should you take and where should you turn? So, you need to start from the top, values and purpose. Based on those you can create an accurate life vision and goals to mark off progress toward that vision.

Determining the purpose of your life, your LifePurpose, can be challenging because it is a very open ended question, with no right or wrong answers. You have to determine what is right for you. To help reduce the pressure on yourself, remember that this purpose can be edited and refined over time. It doesn't have to be perfect, just directionally correct to begin.

Some ways to think about purpose are:

Your life is a resource, how will you use it? What is a worthy trade for your time (life)?
What do you want to leave as a legacy? At some point, all the short and medium term goals have come to pass, and you are in the final chapters of life, was retirement the purpose? Work your whole life to play pickleball at the end? 
Who do you want to be? Because the end of the journey is death, the destination can be thought of becoming your ideal self. What would that version of yourself look like? 


A stay-at-home parent’s purpose: To help my children, spouse, and community live and develop in good health and harmony.
To be the best Christian, man, husband, father, son, sibling, friend, and community member I can be. To provide in both tangible and emotional ways, what they need.

Exercises to help you unearth your purpose:

Make a list of times that you felt fulfilment or joy. What about those times created that emotion?
Make a list of times you had incredible motivation? What subject and results created that energy?
When do I feel most like I am being myself?
When do I feel most like I am in the Zone?
What do I feel my natural talents are?
Write your own tombstone in two sentences or less.

Have fun and good luck!

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